
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


 The concert was a blast! And there are sooo many things I'm going to tell you! Yeaaap, this is our experience!

 The night before the concert, I was so busy preparing my stuffs. I feel like I'm going overseas! OMG. I'm also busy cutting outs some can't stop picture and will give it to my boice friends. That was a fanclub project. We will raise it while can't stop song is playing. I finished preparing all my stuffs and.. 

    There! I can't fall asleep because it's just CNBLUE! You're going  to see them again tomorrow!!! You're waiting for this a long time and here it is now and you feel like just, "ugghh!" that feeling that you know that it will end very soon again like the last concert. Yes, this is the second time. Last Blue Moon world tour, you know what? I really look ugly because of my outfit. And there's also my bagpack! It is sooo full that I looks like I'm going to some "mountain climbing or whut". I was sweating really hard because I'm really excited and the weather here in the philippines is just..ughhh! And yeah, this time, I realized that I don't want to look haggard infront of them. I want to look presentable this time and I really prepared for this. I saved all my allowance to buy some slingbag or shoulderbag yeah whatever I don't know what kind is that bag. I also decided to wear some white pants and my mint doll shoes. I will also braid my hair and put a big blue ribbon on it. And there! I'm so damn ready for tomorrow!

My Boice friends decided that we will go at 9am. By 12noon, we will arrive at Manila. You know, we're living on a province. 

I WOKE UP at 6AM. I was so freaking excited that I only drank coffee and forgot to eat breakfast. I took a bath and my mom and dad was like: "There's a flood in Manila!". At first, I didn't care at all because OH GOD I'm so excited! I'm done preparing myself at 7:30 am and wait for my Boice friends. While I'm waiting, I'm watching tv with my mom and dad. Every channel was about Manila!!! There was a big flood in Manila and all the roads were not passable!!! I know that my mom and dad will refuse and will not let me watch the concert and by just imagining it, I feel like my world just fell apart and I'm like: "OH GOD how about my svip ticket I've spent all my allowance and savings for this" and I feel like i'm going crazy that I even cried!!! I opened my sns accounts and search for some updates about the flood. I'm going crazy because all I can see is flood and I can also read some things about other boices that they can't go because there's even a flood on their houses and I can't really explain what I freaking feel! I feel so excited but I'm also scared because I can't swim and I'm worried and I'm bothered and I'm sad and I all I can do is cry!!! Damn that typhoon! They said that the rain is still heavy and there's a red sign on Manila meaning that there's still heavy rain for 2 hours! My Boice friends were calling me asking if we will go still and I ask them if we should wait for more hours and go at exactly 12noon.

I know that my parents are so damn worried about me but I don't know what to do anymore.

12 NOON.


My Boice friends are already on their way to our home to pick me up. My parents are so worried about me that they will also go with us. They convinced me not to go but my Boice friends are already here.


While on our way, we're all really scared. My mom is now angry because of the news she can hear from the radio. She really don't want us to go but we're just quiet in our seats..And my one Boice friend said that she can't go because her parents didn't let her and I'm really sad for her. I know that she also waited for this and ..*sighs*

I prayed and prayed and prayed that I almost cry again because we can't see anything! There's a heavy rain and strong winds and zero visibility! 

When you want sunshine, there comes rain.
What you want gone, still remains. 

(Sorry! Blurred)

But you know? God is just so good and He's just so kind that He let us arrived at the coliseum safe and sound. Thank you!!! I love you~!!!

And wooohhh!!! My Boice friends and I went to the mall and eat something. And I realize I didn't even eat lunch! And also my mom and dad! They said that they will be around and just stroll around the mall until the end of the concert so I immediately send them a message that they should eat lunch and I love you!!!

                                                     (Photo at the mall. Hihi)

After we eat,  we stroll around and around and met many boices and there was all the victorious smile on their face that they can surely watch the concert and that they reached the coliseum safe.

We waited for more hours and one of my Boice friend was picked by the staffs or.. I don't know who picked her. It's just YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY WITH CNBLUE!

I was waiting for someone to call me too. But.. yeah.. She's just so damn lucky.

Time flies and it's already 6pm! Time to go to the line and enter the coliseum. When we are already inside, we took so many photos and I'm amazed for the second time because the stage was soooo near to our seats!

                                                           (Picture before the concert)

 Already 8PM and a video were playing on the big screen. It was a video from cnblue, promoting the second school they will build here in the philippines, asking that we should help them. Ofcourse! Then I'm reading the translations very well but I just can't understand because my mind is flying everywhere. All I understand is what Yong said, "Thank you as always. We only have you, guys." and damn that line I almost cried! My eyes were already watering because I darn it! I only have you, too. We went here even there's a life-threatening storm just to see you! I erased all those thoughts because I might cry and look around the place. There were still so many vacant seats and it's already 8:10pm! I'm afraid because they might get disappointed because half of the seats are still available. 8:20 and OMG, the opening video start!

And I watched it, begin again.

I'm screaming so loud becuase I just can't contain my feels akfjhaefjhsgfj! After I scream, I looked at them and stare at Min...MINHYUKKKK OMFG!!! I'm shouting his name very loud because I can't see him clearly. Darn that drums. I hate you Mr. Kang! I hate you a lot! I raised the banner that I made, I put ' MR. K ' on it. But it is so big that the boices behind me can't see so I put it down already.

The lights were so beautiful I can't open my eyes! Plus that four angels shining infront of me. 

I didn't dare to close my eyes nor cover it by my hands because they might vanish; 
He might disappear. 
And I'm afraid of that. 

I looked at him even I'm blinded by the lights, I saw him beating his drums and I don't know what to react! I giggled quietly while I can feel my eyes watering again. And damn my heart, it was beating so fast that I thought my ribs will broke! There's even a garden on my stomach, Oh, I mean butterflies. 

                                                          (photo credits on the pic)

   I looked at Yonghwa who's close to me and I was singing along to him too when I saw his eyes looking at my direction! I smiled widely; a smile that making him sure that I'm enjoying this night and he continued to sing, looking at other boices. I hope he saw my smile.


I looked at Minhyuk again and trying to capture his damn small, meaningful eyes, but I know I can't. I want you gone. So.. can you stay?

He's always brushing his fingers through his hair and everytime I saw it I almost died! I can see his long, white neck. Kkk

I took some photos and videos but it was all FAIL! Some of my videos are shaking because I'm jumping while the others are so noisy because I'm screaming so loud! I always laugh when I looked at Jonghyun's side, there a times he was sitting around a corner and looking at the audience, and one time that he make a peace sign with his serious stare and guitar hanging on his shoulders. Oh, and also he's always staring at the boices seriously, like he's searching for someone.

While maknae, on the other hand, is so freaking hyper and active! He went all around the stage! Annoying his hyungs, dancing with Yong and jumping all over! He's so cute doing his stuffs. And while he's talking, he said that "my english skills are .." and he shrugged and his face! I can't explain but it makes us all laugh! Minhyuk also said that, "Salamat sa pagpunta kahit may bagyo" (Thank you for coming even there's a typhoon) That time, I only heard "May bagyo" (There's a typhoon) and I smiled because they knows that there's a freaking storm. Yong also said that he will pray for us and many more. Time flies and we were enjoying the concert, wishing that it won't end until forever. 

I stare at Minhyuk again, finding out what is he doing. I'm surprised because I thought he was texting someone on his phone then he touched his lips! And then I realized he was putting on some lip balm! Bwahahahahhaha! damn you flat butt! That was so gay! But I don't know, it makes me more love you a thrillion times more!

(Photo credits on the pic)

It was already Try Again, Smile Again, and I'm like: "It's done already?!!" and my seatmate said that it's not yet. I felt relieved. Hehe. Ate Joana, my other seatmate, asked the small cute korean girl to go near us so she can see. I think she's 5-7 years old. She's wearing an oversized black shirt and an ID with 'Staff' on it.  She went beside us and I smiled at her. She's so cute! She smiled at me also. Awww~ She can somehow see the boys infront but I can feel that she's staring at me the whole time! Everytime I sing a long with them, everytime I scream Minhyuk's name, everytime I scream "Minhyuk I love you!" ,everytime I laugh when I can hear them speaking tagalog. And I don't know why she's staring at me! I didn't mind her and there comes the encore. She's gone already. Maybe she went somewhere with her mom or some staffs. 
                                                  (There she is! Infront of Minhyuk)

We inflated our balloons while waiting for them. It was a balloon with a light inside. It is sooo cute. We're going to raise it while love light is playing. 

There they come again, and there's a blue cake for our maknae! At the top of the cake, there's a miniature of our maknae sitting with his bass and beside him is Simba. Jonghyun went to the cake first. Aigooo Mr. Lee! It's for Shin! Okay? Haha. We were singing happy birthday to our dear Jungshin and while he's thanking us, Minhyuk noticed there's Simba on the cake! He pointed at it and Jungshin saw it too! He said, "Ooh! Simba! My new pet" and he was just so cute! I giggled while looking at them, wishing that the time will stop.

(Here's maknae's birrthday cake)

   We continued singing along, waving our lightsticks and jumping when the song is rock and roll! Damn this time, it flies so fast that Maknae said it was already the last song. We enjoyed the last song and Minhyuk already stand up, walking towards infont with the members. We took a picture, I step out on my seat, hoping that I can see myself in the picture. And yep, there's my yellow balloon enjoying it's photo with cnblue. (-___-)

  I stayed standing out on my chair because they're already walking on the stage, bowing and thanking every side of the coliseum. I raised my small fan, I wrote "평평한 엉덩이" on it. (Flat ass) and I <3 you Minhyuk at the bottom. Hehe. That's what I'm calling him on twitter whenever I'm mentioning him. But I know that he doesn't know anything about it! Hehe. They all went infront and again I'm trying to catch his eyes, but he didn't even glimpse on my side. (huhu) And there. I went home sad. 

Hehe, just kidding. They disappeared like bubbles and I sit on my seat (what?!) like i'm so exhausted. I'm not literally exhausted; I feel so damn brokenhearted and sad because it's already done! And Minhyuk didn't even glimpse on our side nor wave or something. Tsss. All I know is I hate that flat butt right now! What should I do to make him look at me even a bit?! I already arranged my self this time because last concert, I know I look like a freaking potato. And then now! Two concerts in a row! I just want him to look at me even a bit and realize I f****** exist! .__________.

We bought some hot chocolate from Mcdo. Mom asked me if I want to eat something because I didn't eat dinner. I just bought a hot chocolate because I don't know, I'm not on the mood to eat. We went to our van and talk about the concert. After we talked, we decided to sleep while on our way home but I was laughing on what Irish tweeted, my another boice friend. She tweeted, "How the fck can we sleep if we are bouncing in here!!" Hahahahahha! Yes, we are bouncing inside the van because the driver is driving so fast that we almost fly! I put my earphones on and listened to my playlist.

All of the stars- Ed Sheeran
Superstar- Taylor Swift
Everthing has changed- Taylor swift
Begin Again- Taylor swift
Fearless- Taylor Swift

That's all. I just can't listen to cnblue songs right now because I might cry. I am listening to those because I'm just broken hearted and plain sad tonight. You can search the lyrics and listen to them too! Specially Superstar, damn it will hit you back and forth. I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep while listening to music.

You lose, typhoon. And I hate you a lot tonight, Mr. Kang.


Here's some pictures I took. Yeaaaaaaaaa I know I know it's ugly. Kkk~ Thankyou for reading!

That's all everyone!!! Thank you for reading this and I'm sorry for all the typos or wrong grammars. My english skills know. *imitates maknae* Haha. Thank you for reading! Until the next concert, Boices! I love you all! *warm hugs* Dajukja yeah!

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